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PULS wins the “Automation Innovation Award” at the 21st CAIMRS

With its Field Power Supplies (FIEPOS), PULS won the “Automation Innovation Award – Power Distribution Category” once again in the 21st CAIMRS Automation and Digitalisation Annual Selection. On February 24th, the “2023 China Automation + Digitalization Industry Annual Conference” and the “CAIMRS Annual Awards Ceremony” were successfully held in Suzhou, China. The event attracted hundreds […]

Power Supply

How can the availability of a system be increased?

For plant operators, the primary goal is to ensure maximum availability of machines and systems. This requires a reliable power supply throughout the entire lifetime of the system. Therefore, it is important that the applied power supplies are reliable, safe and durable. Within a power supply system, however, the power supply unit is often just […]

Power Supply

Parallel connection and redundancy of power supplies – What is the difference?

You are in need of a higher total power for your system or machine, or want to ensure a reliable power supply? Common solutions include the parallel connection or establishing a redundant power supply system. In this blog post, you will learn more about the definition, the differences and the correct use of both system […]

Power Supply

What does daisy chaining mean for power supplies?

The colloquial term daisy chaining has established itself as a description for the direct connection of technical devices in series. In this blog article, you will learn what you should consider if you want to operate several power supplies in a daisy chain. Daisy chaining refers to a wiring scheme in which several devices, such […]

Power Supply

How to correctly measure the efficiency of a power supply!

Manufacturers’ data sheets often only give blanket information on efficiency and power losses of their power supplies at different mains voltages or loads. Therefore, it is advisable for users to measure the efficiency of a power supply themselves. In this blog article, you will learn what you should pay attention to. Multimeter, wattmeter or power […]